The Only Purpose Built Radiology Academy In The World
  • 01752 437437
  • South West Imaging Training Academy, Plymouth International Business Park, Plymouth, PL6 5WR
Reasons to apply to the SW Peninsula Training Scheme

Reasons to apply to the SW Peninsula Training Scheme

1. Since the introduction of the new FRCR part I exam in 2010 21/23 trainees have passed the anatomy module and 21/23 the physics module at the first attempt.

2. In the last three years 81% of trainees have passed the FRCR IIb exam at the first attempt

3. The SW Peninsula Scheme is the ONLY training scheme in the world with a purpose built Radiology Training Academy.

4. The Academy is fully equipped with suites of PCs, PACS workstations and GE Advantage windows. There is also a suite of Apple Macs as used in the electronic FRCR exams. These are available to trainees in their personal study time and are used on the Academy FRCR preparation course. Finally the Academy has an interventional radiology simulator and a dedicated ultrasound training room.

5. The Academy holds the Royal College of Radiologists and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital film libraries.

6. The SW Peninsula scheme is the ONLY radiology training scheme to offer the opportunity to undertake mini-fellowships at other training centres in Year 4 and 5.

7. The SW Peninsula Scheme has received outstanding external peer review from the Royal College of Radiologists.

8. The SW Peninsula is an area of outstanding natural beauty with easy access to Dartmoor and the Coast.

9. Highly favourable results in the 2010 PMETB survey of trainees with five domains in the highest quartile (clinical supervision, hours of education per week, procedural skills, Internet access and local teaching programs).

10. Trainees on the SW Peninsula radiology training scheme develop strong CVs and are competitive candidates at consultant interviews.  Each year most academy trainees produce at least one peer reviewed publications. Trainees present numerous posters and oral presentations at regional, national and international meetings and conferences.

11. The Academy hosts numerous radiology training courses including nationally renowned courses in interventional radiology (IRTB) and cardiac radiology as well as on call radiology and FRCR IIb revision courses. Academy trainees are encouraged to help run the courses and are often eligible for heavily subsidised or free places as a result.

12. The SW Peninsula Training Scheme offers speciality training in ALL subspecialties in the RCR curriculum. The scheme has a particularly strong programme of speciality training in Cardiac, Breast, Gastrointestinal, Interventional and Musculoskeletal radiology. There is also a Cardiac Radiology MD programme.